W3C WebOnt Manchester face-to-face meeting

Manchester, 9-10 jan. 2003

A report of the 5th face to face meeting held in Manchester (9-10 jan 2003) can be found on WebOnt's web site: http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/WebOnt/ftf5.html. This meeting was attended by 23 WebOnt members and 5 guests. Discussions and presentations were organized around three main topics:

The tools presented fueled the remaining discussion: what improvements are required, what further tools are necessary to create a dynamics making OWL a success story ? What should be conformance criteria for OWL tools ?

The different types of tools discussed (representation/interface vs. inference engines), the very strong positions of WebOnt members (ease of implementation vs. soundness and completeness) made middle-round agreements impossible. The only acceptable solution was thus to define various conformance levels (such that "sound but not complete with respect to the LITE version of OWL"). This solution still presented some problems: how will the public react to such a wide range of conformance levels; and how to define the "sound (and complete) with respect to the FULL version of OWL", when subsumption in OWL FULL is an undecidable problem ?

http://www.inrialpes.fr/exmo/cooperation/webont/manchester2003.html © INRIA Rhône-Alpes, 2003

Feel free to comment to Jean - Francois . Baget � inrialpes . fr, $Id: manchester2003.html,v 1.5 2004/09/20 14:40:18 euzenat Exp $